Wednesday, October 7, 2009

situation over

it ended. it happened. i turned out ok. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

sadness to anger

To continue my previous post a little:
I went through a sad stage where I cried every night thinking about what she did to me. After a couple days it turned to anger. Not only had the girl gone ahead asking the guy out knowing fully well we all liked him, but then she had to brag that she was getting good grades, and was the happiest as shes ever been. Thanks a lot to that selfish brat! I felt better the next day once my anger past. it's amazing. one day and zip...i'm content! After a week, I felt better and no lobger complained. I had found out that it's okay to be single!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The guy

There was a guy in school when i was younger. We had just started high school and the guy was new. His mom had just become the headmaster for the upper school so things were kind of awkward for him at first. He was in my advisory group so I decided to help him out and become friends. After just a couple days I realized I really liked him. I tried to always talk to him when I could and walk with him when I got the chance. The problem with my crush was that 8 or more girls also liked him. Most everyone had told me they liked him so I decided to keep my mouth shut. One day after a couple weeks, I walked into school and a friend of mine told me that she was now dating this guy. Right away I felt empty and that someone had just punched me in the gut. My emotions went crazy. I tried to act happy put I wanted to cry. Because no one knew I liked him everyone felt open about talking to me about the two of them . They kept saying how great it was and I realized they were both happy. Unfortunately I was not and had to deal with it. After the first couple days it was hard but I tried to keep a happy face. A couple close friends knew about my issues and told me to get over it but that didn't help. It wasn't that easy. I hoped they would be happy together but the other part of me secretly hoped they would brake up. When I thought like this I felt bad. I didn't know what to do. (the result will be concluded soon).